The One Question That Could Make You Millions

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Backstage at The View with Whoopi Goldberg

I won’t make you read a million paragraphs to get to the punchline. Ask yourself daily: What’s ONE thing I can do today to spread the word about my business? This question got us on the TV show Shark Tank and much more including our first $100K investment.

Here’s the key though. When you ask yourself the question, actually listen to the answer. Don’t doubt what comes up for you. Don’t hyper-analyze it. And, don’t put off doing it. Send the email, write the article, call your customers, make the video.

Our first office was a small light-filled room at a tech accelerator in Providence, RI. Every day, we’d write a wacky growth idea on the whiteboard and do it. Right down to, standing on a busy street corner and handing out silly putty with coupon codes. Not every idea was wildly successful but day-by-day it added up to real growth. Millions in sales later, we know it works.

Oh and, I’ll let you in on another secret. The days when you think you have no more ideas left in you. When you’ve been thinking for hours and you’re coming up with nothing. Be patient. Those are the days when the #dropthemic ideas come through. The big potentially life-changing ones.

So, what’s ONE thing you can try today to spread the word about your business?


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