10 Fun Facts

Rosy, Age 5

Rosy, Age 5

Here are 10 fun facts about me! Those kind of facts that really shape your identity. Let’s jump in.

  1. My dad was born in Beirut to Lebanese parents and my mom was born in Cairo to Lebanese and Greek parents. I was born in Montreal.

  2. My family won the green card lottery (it’s a real thing!) and that’s how we ended up in the United states. My mom Takla decided to apply even though everyone thought it was one big scam! My sister Donna helped fill out the application on a typewriter and they sent it out. I’ll never forget the day we got a big manilla envelope in the mail with a letter saying “Congratulations, you have won the United States Green Card Lottery.” Our lives changed forever.

  3. I’m an entrepreneur true and true. I am always coming up with business ideas. I started my company Surprise Ride while I was a senior in college. I went on national television a bunch of times (including wining on ABC’s TV show Shark Tank and being live on The View (!!)), invented a bunch of super fun products for kids, sold millions of $$, and last but not least worked with my sister Donna! I recently sold it and am advising companies now.

  4. Food. Oh Food. Food is my first true love! I’ve been cooking ever since I could walk. Evidence above. I can’t talk about my love for food without talking about my mom. Mother of 4, wife, full-time employee, and this woman cooked us dinner every night in her business suit and heels still on (until she yelled for one of us to fetch her slippers). With all that she had going on she would let me do anything I pleased in the kitchen! She never asked questions or yelled or tried to restrict my exploration. If it wasn’t for her I know I wouldn’t have this insatiable love of food and cooking. Forever grateful for her. Thanks Mama.

  5. My dad is an artist. He’s a thinker, philosopher, and a bit of a skeptic at times. It’s crazy to imagine how different life must be for those that don’t have an artist dad. Aka the majority of people! Ha. Our house had art in every single room. His work is a mix of all kinds of styles. He’s always challenging himself to paint in new ways. I know art is his true love. And my mom! He’s crazy about her and we all know it! I like to think that that I inherited my creativity from him and that comes to life in my approach to business and cooking.

  6. I recently got married! My husband and I are very similar and yet different at the same time. It’s almost like we have a similar spirit but how we came to have that couldn’t be more different. He’s the yang to my yin and my favorite taste tester. He is so sweet to me when it comes to my food. Never says anything is missing in my food but silently and sneakily adds a little salt or lemon when I’m not looking. I just love that about him so much. Friends, be gentle to those that cook for you! It truly is a labor of love.

  7. I am an immigrant. That means I was that kid at school lunch eating unusual looking sandwiches. Let me tell you, pita bread was not trendy when I was a kid! Neither was hummus or labne! But now it is, so I guess I was ahead of the times.

  8. I am the youngest of 4 siblings. I love my siblings so much. Since I was fairly younger than the 3 of them, they all had a huge part in the formation of my identity! Both my parents worked really hard so they could give us a good life here in America. My siblings would pick me up from school, feed me, help me with my homework, bathe me, the whole shabang. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for those 3. I feel like I have a little piece of each of them in me. Love you Desiree, Richard, Donna.

  9. I care deeply about showing immigrant kids that they have the potential to create meaningful things in this world regardless of their background. My most favorite life moments are when I’m talking to a child and giving them hope.

  10. I depend on my intuition to guide me a lot. I love journaling and taking time to sit with myself over a cup of coffee.


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