Will you try something new today?


My first sourdough. Success.

A quick glance at your Instagram feed and you’ll see there’s been a surge of sourdough making during quarantine! I love that people are doing that. Today I started the process to make some. I say process because it takes 3 days to make sourdough bread (!!). I’ve never made it before and wasn’t sure if I was adding too much or too little of flour and water. But this isn’t a tutorial about how to make sourdough. This is an attempt to convince you to try to do something new today. It has to be something you’ve never done before with minimum or no instruction.

Why? There’s a bunch of good reasons like, “it’s good to learn something new.” or “challenge yourself with a new task and you’ll prove to yourself you can do anything.” Yes to both. And also, it’s humbling to do something that you aren’t sure how to do. It checks some of our privilege. Knowledge is quite literally at our fingertips but there are some things like making sourdough or caring for a plant or making pasta that no amount of videos or books will make you an expert on. You gotta try it for yourself to really learn.

Here’s a list of some things you can try today! Don’t put this off to tomorrow. You know what they say carpe diem and you only live once. Plus who knows what you doing that new thing will lead to? Follow the breadcrumbs! (But maybe not where Hansel and Gretel did)

  1. Make sourdough bread. If you need starter call a local bakery.

  2. Plant some veggie or fruit seeds. Salad mix is easy like arugula or kale and you’ll always have fresh greens anytime!

  3. Make meringue.

  4. Go on a drive without GPS and your phone on airplane mode. With a full tank of gas! Learned this one the hard way.

  5. Post a video on Youtube or IGTV about anything.

  6. Make vegetable broth from your kitchen scraps.

  7. Make fruit jam. You’ll need fruit, sugar, lemon juice. That’s it!

  8. Start composting.

  9. Make cake without following a recipe.

  10. Take a virtual dance class. Maybe bellydancing or brazilian zouk?

  11. Make homemade deodorant. It’s super easy.

  12. PAINT!! Without following a photo for reference. Freeform painting. This one is gold.

  13. Draw a common household item. Bonus: Set a timer.

  14. Get naked and dance in front of your mirror. Unless you do this everyday then props to you. Proud of you, Queen.

  15. DIY a furniture item you already own. Maybe paint it or stain it or reupholster that chair you never sit on in the corner?!

    Tell me if you do something new and inspire me with your ideas!



Two sisters walk into the Shark Tank…